Kassie Steegman

Coaching and Consulting Experience
Kassie works with executives, high-potential leaders, entrepreneurs and corporate teams to increase interpersonal effectiveness and leadership capabilities required for advancement in their organizations. She guides her clients through a process of assessment, feedback, goal setting and action planning to ensure they put new behaviors, insights and skills into practice. Kassie accomplishes this by combining significant business experience with an in-depth knowledge of leadership and adult development. She helps clients discover their authentic leadership style by encouraging them to tap into their life and work experiences, passions and purpose. Leadership assessments are used to identify strengths and core competencies as well as internal assumptions and reactive tendencies that might limit effectiveness in the workplace.
Kassie has experience working with an extensive variety of job positions, functional areas and industries. Specifically, she has coached executives holding the job titles of President, CFO, CNO, VP, Executive Director, Controller, AVP and Director. Functional areas include executive management roles in Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, Investments, Operations and User Experience. A representative sample of organizational clients and industries includes: Cardinal Health, Kemba Financial, Miltner Law Firm, M.T. Wellness Clinic, Nationwide, NiSource, OhioHealth, The Ohio State University, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and Two Caterers. In addition to her long-term, executive coaching engagements, Kassie has coached more than 500 leaders going through emerging, high-potential, and executive leadership development programs.
Business and Career Background
Kassie has more than 25 years of business experience including executive coaching, investment management and retail consulting. Prior to becoming an executive coach, she worked as an equity portfolio manager and analyst for OPERS and STRS Ohio for nearly 15 years. Her investment expertise is in the healthcare, retailing, beverage, media and telecommunications industries. As a retail consultant, she conducted marketing research studies focused on industry, acquisition due diligence, and competitive analysis.
Education and Certification
Kassie earned a personal and organizational coaching certification from The Hudson Institute of Coaching in Santa Barbara. She holds an MBA and bachelor’s degree in marketing and international business from The Ohio State University. She earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation during her investments career. Her professional affiliations include CFA Institute, Columbus Metropolitan Club, and International Coach Federation. Previously, she has held board or chair positions with Brewery District Toastmasters, CFA Columbus, Central Ohio Coaches (ICF Chapter) and Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD).
Her assessment expertise includes The Leadership Circle 360 Profile (TLCP), Leadership Mirror 360, Hogan Assessments, DISC, Workplace Motivators and MBTI.