Mala Nanda

Coaching and Consulting Experience
Mala’s coaching expertise draws on a 25‐year career in executive leadership roles forboth Fortune 500 and privately held companies. She has coached executives in the positions of vice president, managing director, and general manager in the areas of operations, sales, general management, and human resources. Her primary experience is in technology, building materials manufacturing, and venture capital.
Mala’s leadership experience honed her ability to quickly identify challenges and help clients develop actionable solutions. In management roles, and now as a successful executive coach, she has developed senior leaders and highly effective cross‐functional teams to deliver results aligned with the organization’s strategic business goals. She is experienced and well‐schooled in business development and turnaround, with specific coaching experience in the areas of goal alignment, team leadership and executive presence.
Mala brings a unique multi‐cultural understanding to effective leadership practices in diverse environments. She lived and worked in the US, China and India and led cross‐functional teams across Australia, South East Asia and Korea.
Business and Career Background
Mala spent much of her 25-year career at Owens Corning in the U.S., in ascending leadership roles in supply chain, sales and marketing, and general management. As director of global supply chain for a $1-billion division, she gained alignment at the C-level to develop and implement an integrated approach to eliminate territorial battles on supply sourcing. Previously, as general manager of Building Materials Asia Pacific South, Shanghai, she recruited and developed the senior leadership team for a brownfield factory start-up in India and coached leaders through start-up challenges.
Most recently, Mala served as vice president of Asia Pacific for Tensar International, where she established the Asia Pacific organization. She recruited, coached and mentored her senior leaders to deliver record results while developing a growth strategy for the region. She motivated the team to deliver 21% business growth, despite the challenging environment of slowing infrastructure investment. She also served as chairman of the board for Tensar’s Asia-based entities.
Education and Certification
Mala holds a master’s degree in business administration in marketing and organizational behavior from Kellogg School of Management. She earned her masters of engineering management from the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering-Northwestern University and her bachelor of arts in mathematics and computer science from Hood College, Frederick, Md. She is fluent in Hindi, Bengali and Punjabi.