Barbara Cogburn

Barbara is a retired Marine and Iraq veteran.
Prior to her retirement in 2003, she held a variety of positions in the Marine Corps including the Character-Based Leadership Trainer – the only position in the Marine Corps at the time that utilized FranklinCovey’s training solutions, improving a Marine unit’s leadership abilities. As the Character-Based Leadership Trainer, she positively influenced over 8,000 Marines.
After leaving the Marine Corps, Barbara worked as a life and business coach and has extensive coaching experience with small business owners. She spent three years in the utility industry before joining FranklinCovey.
Barbara recently completed a one-year engagement with the US Navy where she worked as a Highly Qualified Expert (HQE) under the Chief of Naval Personnel. She oversaw the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program and the Office of Women’s Policy and their supporting teams. The focus of her work was helping create strategic products and processes that facilitate culture and behavior change within Navy programs.
Clients appreciate Barbara’s experience in problem solving and her discerning ability as it relates to training, facilitating, and coaching in widely diverse organizations. She has an effective yet engaging style, laced with a dose of humor, that gives her the ability to connect with her clients – making their training immediately applicable.