FranklinCovey Blog » Breakthrough Results

FranklinCovey Blog

Everything we do is designed to help you succeed in these four key areas as our solutions help you create collective action and meaningful change.

Biggest Selling Mistake? Overwhelming The Buyer. Here’s How To Keep It Simple.

Too many sellers foolishly focus on their memorized pitch at the expense of the buyer’s specific wants. They bombard their...

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Sales Managers Can Have A More Predictable, Successful, Low-Stress Job By Doing This One Thing

Sales manager is a stressful job at many companies, but it becomes even tougher when the job focuses...

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The 3 Words Every Salesperson Needs To Understand

According to a new poll of B2B buyers, three out of four preferred to have no interaction whatsoever...

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Bad News: No One Wants To Hear Your Sales Pitch. Good News: There’s Something You Can Do About It.

For salespeople, the only right time to tell their own story is when it's relevant to the customer.

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The Secret To Predictably Finding New Sales Opportunities

Effective leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of any company in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world....

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I can’t decide which of our many goals are the highest priority and where to focus our time.

Confucius said, “He who chases two rabbits, catches neither.”  We know that in most areas of life, focus...

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I want to motivate my team to get the most important things done.

Why is it vital for leaders to know how to properly motivate their teams? When projects come up...

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Our team has great strategy, but our goals never get accomplished.

When a new goal is announced for a team, the obvious question is, “How are we going to...

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We need to define and measure our most important goals.

Make sure your team has created measurable goals which are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Then...

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I need to get everyone working on the same goal.

A consultant met with the fifteen-member executive team of a large corporation recently. They wanted to find out...

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